Tagged: Vik Muniz Art

Waste Land (2010) – Lixo Extraordinário. Part One.

Life has been hectic these days.

Working and writing from 10:00 to 22:00 with a few breaks in between, I have now started a movie-marathon for my writing.

Spending an average of 5 hours per movie, I am much inspired by some of these documentaries. One of them is Waste Land (2010) or, in Portuguese, Lixo Extraordinário.

I would like to share a quote by brazilian artist Vik Muniz that I find truly inspiring.

“I’d rather want everything and have nothing than have everything and want nothing.Because at least when you want something, your life has a meaning, it’s worthwhile. From the moment you think you have everything, you have to search for meaning in other things.  I spent half my life wanting everything and having nothing. And  now I have everything and I don’t want anything. These days I am beginning to see things in a different way. I don’t have as much material ambition as I used to.” (Vik Muniz about the way that the pickers from the landfill Jardim Gramacho have changed his life).

This is one of the truths about life. Having everything can mean having nothing at all. There is emptiness that can not be filled with material possessions.